The Insmi welcomes a new Scientific Manager


On July 1st, Mathilde Mougeot was nominated  Scientific Manager of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and their Interactions. She will take care of all that concerns innovation and interactions with industry. She will represent the Institute amidst the CNRS Direction of Innovation and Relations with Firms (DIRE).

After a PhD under the supervision of  Robert Azencott at the University of Orsay, Mathilde Mougeot worked in industry for ten years. In 1992, she became Associate Professor at the University of Nanterre, and has been on leave for 6 years in order to participate in the creation of the firm Miriad Technologies. Since 2009, she has been Associate Professor at Paris Diderot University and member of the CNRS unit Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires (UMR 7599), where she defended her Habilitation Thesis in 2015. Mathilde Mougeot's research topics are statistical learning, data mining and computational statistics. Insmi will enjoy her great experience of collaboration and partnership with firms.

Link to the Insmi's French website.