
Mathematics hold de facto a central position in the French scientific landscape as they often stand at the interface of the other sciences and are able to meet the growing needs in modelling, data analysis and simulation. The National Institute for Mathematical Sciences and their Interactions (INSMI) contributes to developping, coordinating and disseminating the works of its mathematicians, who came to bring their discipline at the highest international level.

Structuring French mathematical research

The Insmi's mission is to structure and coordinate the development of research in the different branches of mathematics. The yielded works find an echoe in today's society and serve as a reference at an international level.

Insmi's key figures

Insmi's key figures

Strategic areas

Recruitment and mobility

In order to carry out its missions, the Insmi regularly recruits young researchers, both in its core discipline and in areas of research that interact with other sciences. It also encourages them to move between different institutions and internationally.

Cross-disciplinary themes and international collaboration

This commitment to openness is reflected in the establishment of cross-disciplinary thematic research networks, support for international conference and host centres, and interaction with the business world and society. Building on the worldwide reputation of its researchers, Insmi is also committed to intensifying international collaboration.

Networking the region

These initiatives bring their own dynamic to the existing network of mathematics laboratories. This network is geographically distributed across the country, with each major regional centre offering scientific expertise that generally covers the entire spectrum of mathematics.

National research and research support structures

The Insmi is committed to supporting researchers in their work by providing them with national research support structures in the areas of computing, IT resources, documentation, scientific publishing and the dissemination of science.

National Committee

As is the case for all CNRS institutes, the Insmi's development policy and its strategic choices are informed by the CNRS National Committee, in particular by the Institute's Scientific Council (CSI), a think-tank and forward-looking body, as well as by section 41, interdisciplinary commission 51, and possibly other sections or interdisciplinary commissions.

A broader mission

The Insmi's primary role is to support research in mathematics, in all its varieties, from the foundations of the discipline to interactions with other sciences.

Computer science, epidemiology, genomics, oncology, geophysics... The interfaces with other sciences are numerous. They are the subject of joint subjects where different approaches contribute to mutual enrichment and the advancement of knowledge.

At the same time, the Insmi responds to the growing demands of the business world for modelling, quantitative analysis and simulation, and supports initiatives to promote mathematics to the general public, particularly young people.

Women in mathematics

In coordination with the Mission pour la place des femmes au CNRS, and in partnership with the national association Femmes et mathématiques and the Fondation Blaise Pascalthe Insmi has made parity a priority in its human resources policy. Although women now supervise 30% of theses in mathematics, they hold only 20% of positions as mathematicians, professors, lecturers, directors or research fellows.

At global level, the International Mathematical Union is committed to working with women mathematicians, in particular through the Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM), which organises various initiatives to promote mathematics among women and women in mathematics. At European level, the European Women in Mathematics (EWM) is active in these areas.

Parity/equality in mathematical research

This Insmi website, dedicated to parity, provides data on staff numbers and recruitment, as well as resources for further reading.

Organisation chart


Director of the National Institute for Mathematical Sciences and their Interactions (1)

Scientific board

Scientific Deputy Directors (6)

International relationships

Coordination of regional poles

Laboratories & researchers

Support unites, librarys, parity and open access

Science education, disseminating and promoting science

Major calls and national government programmes

Scientific Manager (8)

Digital tools

Scientific publishing and open access

Data and calculus

Artificial intelligence




Research networks and sustainable development

Management board

Administrative Deputy Director (1)

Administrative Deputy Director

Assistants (2)

Board assistant

Assistant Secretary for the Scientific Deputy Directors

Budget and structures (2)

Budget and Research Structures Manager

Management officer

Innovation (1)

Innovation Manager

Human Resources (2)

Human Resources Manager

Data Management Officer

International and European relationships (2)

International Project Manager

European Project Manager

Communication (4)

Team Head

Communication Officer

Events & Communications Project Manager

Communication Officer

PEPR Maths-Vives project unit (2)

Program Manager

Communication Officer

Your contacts at the Insmi

To contact your correspondent at the CNRS, use the address prenom.nom@cnrs.fr with the first and last name of the person concerned.