Quantum Engineering Grenoble - PhD Program 2017
"Quantum Engineering Grenoble" (QuEnG) is a three-year interdisciplinary PhD program funded by the Idex-UGA. It aims to foster high-level research at the interface between physics, mathematics, computer sciences, social sciences, humanities, or with industrial coaching.
10 PhD scholarships will be attributed on the following topics:
- Quantum hardware : At most 3 scholarships at the interface Physics/Computer Science, to develop elementary quantum processors/simulators on one of the experimental platforms of the area (Photons, Spin Qubits, Superconducting Qubits)
- Quantum software : At most 2 scholarships at the interface Computer Science/Physics, to develop software and architectures adapted to quantum logic
- Qubit/photon interfaces: At most 1 scholarship in Physics with industrial coaching, or at the interface Physics/Mathematics: to interface quantum processors with light, and/or optimize information transfer through such interfaces
- Quantum sensing: At most 1 scholarship in Physics with industrial coaching, to develop highly sensitive amplifiers based on optomechanical or superconducting devices
- Quantum energetics: At most 2 scholarships in Physics or Mathematics with industrial coaching, to investigate theoretically or experimentally thermodynamics in the quantum regime and the energetic cost of quantum computing
- Societal and philosophical aspects of quantum theory and quantum technologies: At most 2 scholarships in Philosophy of Physics or Sociology embarked in a Physics laboratory, to explore philosophical implications of quantum reality and quantum causality, or develop sociological perspectives on quantum technologies
Deadline for applications: April 10th, 2017
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