ERC Consolidator Grant 2024: three French laureates in mathematics

International Distinctions

The European Research Council (ERC) has just announced the results of its “ERC Consolidator Grant 2024” call. Among the three French mathematics projects selected, two involve a researcher from Insmi's mixed research units.

This year, the European Research Council (ERC) is funding 328 researchers in Europe through its ERC Consolidator grants, worth a total of 678 million euros from the Horizon Europe framework program.

Supporting the very best in exploratory research in all fields, these grants are awarded to European project leaders who obtained their doctorate 7 to 12 years ago. The “Consolidator” grants (up to 2 million euros) fall between the “Starting” grants (up to 1.5 million euros and 2 to 7 years after the doctorate) and the “Advanced” grants (up to 2.5 million euros and aimed at established researchers). They are awarded once a year for a period of 5 years to scientists from any country in the world, but who must carry out their research in a European or associated country.

Insmi joint unit projects :

Portrait du lauréat Javier Fresán

Javier Fresán, Professor at the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche1  - EMOTIVE project (Exponential Motives and Arithmetic Gevrey Series)

Portrait de la lauréate Sepideh Mirrahimi

Sepideh Mirrahimi, CNRS research director at the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse2  - MUSEUM project (MUlti-Scale models of Eco-evolutionary popUlation dynaMics)

Other project : 

  • Pierre Jacob, for his UMCMC project (Markov Chain Monte Carlo using couplings toward scalable statistical inference) funded by ESSEC Business School
  • 1CNRS/Sorbonne Université/Université Paris Cité
  • 2CNRS/INSA Toulouse/Université Toulouse Paul Sabatier