An Interview of Yunqing Tang


An interview of Yunqing Tang, recently recruited as a junior researcher at the CNRS and a member of the Laboratoire de Mathématiques d’Orsay (CNRS & Université Paris-Saclay).

Yunqing Tang
©Yunqing Tang

What’s your research domain ?

My research area is arithmetic geometry and number theory.

What did you do before joining the CNRS ?

I received my PhD from Harvard in 2016 and then I spent a couple of years at IAS and Princeton University as a postdoc.

What brought you to do mathematics ?

I majored in mathematics as an undergraduate student at Peking University since mathematics is a popular major in science and I like mathematics. When I was a freshman, I was not sure whether I will do research in mathematics and I actually tried some other related areas such as economics and statistic. Then I found myself most comfortable with the way of thinking in mathematics. Later on, when I took advanced courses and went to seminars, I feel very excited at seeing people discovering new knowledge in mathematics, such as relating two objects from different areas of mathematics or discovering the underlying patterns of some naively looking objects. Since I started to do research projects during my PhD, I have been enjoying the feeling of discovering little new things by myself and also with my collaborators. The feeling that there are always new things to be explored or learned and the encouragement and support from other mathematicians make me feel that a life with mathematics is so good.

Why choose the CNRS ?

The position at CNRS offers "infinitely amount of time" for doing mathematics.


Yunqing Tang is a junior researcher at the CNRS and a member of the Laboratoire de Mathématiques d’Orsay (LMO - CNRS & Université Paris-Saclay).