The new international projects launched by Insmi in 2025
In 2025, three new International Research Networks (IRN) and an International Research Projects (IRP) project will expand the range of tools supporting the Institute's international collaboration. Each lasting five years, they aim to develop international cooperation, strengthen existing relationships and simplify procedures between French and foreign partners.

Three new International Research Networks, two in China and one in Italy
The International Research Networks (IRN) are networks organized across several regions of the world around a theme or around several themes in a more specific region of the globe. They structure a community, in particular through the organization of workshops, seminars and thematic schools by French and foreign partners.
The IRN SFIRNAM (Sino-French International Research Network in Applied Mathematics)
Led by Katharina Schratz (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions1 ) and Ping Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences – Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science), the IRN SFIRNAM is part of a dynamic of strengthening international collaborations with China. This is structured around four axes: partial differential equations, numerical analysis and quantum computing, probabilities and statistics, and control theory.
The French laboratories mainly involved are the Jacques-Louis Lions laboratory, the Orsay mathematics laboratory, the Bordeaux Institute of Mathematics, and the Elie Cartan Institute of Lorraine. On the Chinese side, the main laboratories are those linked to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the mathematics departments within the universities of Beijing, Tsinghua, Fudan, Wuhan, Sichuan, Shanghai Jiao Tong, etc.
The IRN SFIRNPM (Sino-French International Research Network in Pure Mathematics)
Franco-Chinese collaborations in fundamental mathematics cover a very broad spectrum: algebra, representation theory; algebraic geometry; automorphic forms; differential geometry; dynamical systems; number theory; operator algebras, non-commutative geometry; topology, etc.
The objective of the IRN SFIRNPM, led by Marc Rosso (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche2 ) and Baohua Fu (Chinese Academy of Sciences - Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science), is to bring them together and structure them into a network, enabling the organization of scientific meetings. A Sino-French conference on algebraic geometry was held from October 21 to 25, 2024, at the AMSS Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, and another on “Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms” will be held in January 2026 at the Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum. France will then host some of the joint events. The IRN will also aim to provide an environment and adequate support for structured collaborations at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels.
The IRN LI (Logic and Interaction)
This IRN, led by Lionel Vaux-Auclair (Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille)3 and Lorenzo Tortora de Falco (Université Roma Tre), focuses on logic as a field of transdisciplinary research between mathematics, computer science and philosophy. It focuses more specifically on various scientific fields in which the formal notion of proof is both an object of study and a central tool: proof theory, linear logic, type theory, programming language theory, but also linguistics and philosophy.
The main aim of this network is to fund bilateral collaborations and support high-quality scientific production. It will promote mobility by supporting other sources of funding, such as the IRL LYSM in Rome, and it will structure an existing community that shares a significant common cultural background. The IRN will organize and support unifying scientific events on its themes, including at least one annual meeting of the network. The first meeting is scheduled for May 12 and 13, 2025, in Rome.
Discover all the IRNs of the Insmi
A new IRP between France, Portugal and Spain
International Research Projects (IRP) are intended to make new international collaborative projects possible or can consolidate research collaborations already established in the context of short programs. Their main purpose is to organize working meetings or seminars and to supervise students.
The IRP PICASSO (hyPerbolIC models, numerical AnalysiS and Scientific cOmputation)
PICASSO aims to create or strengthen scientific links in mathematical modeling, scientific computing and numerical analysis between French and Iberian research actors. In addition, PICASSO will help organize scientific events, exchanges and visits for researchers, and will encourage the co-supervision of students.
Labeled an “international research project” on January 1st, 2025 by INSMI for five years, PICASSO is co-directed in France by Christophe Berthon (Laboratoire de mathématiques Jean Leray4 ), Christophe Chalons (Laboratoire de mathématiques de Versailles5 ) and Raphaël Loubère (Institut de mathématiques de Bordeaux6 ). The international management is located in Málaga, Spain and Coimbra, Portugal.
Several key partners and laboratories have been identified in the three countries. In France, these are mainly the mathematics laboratories located in Bordeaux, Nantes and Versailles, but also Montpellier, Pau, Nice, Strasbourg, Villetaneuse, etc. A broad spectrum of applied mathematics is covered, with a focus on understanding mathematical modeling and high-performance computer simulation of flows, for example geophysical flows such as tsunamis, avalanches, coastal flows, etc.
Discover all the IRPs of the Insmi
IEAs, two-year projects that are still very numerous at Insmi
In addition to the 5-year programs that are the IRL, IRN and IRP, a large number of International Emerging Actions (IEA) and MathAmSud projects with South American countries are added each year to the panorama of Insmi's international projects. These two-year projects allow for bilateral cooperation with colleagues from all over the world. In 2025, 18 countries are involved.
The year 2025 is once again a very rich year for international collaborations in mathematics, in particular through a number of structured arrangements, in addition to more ad hoc projects through programs proposed by embassies, the CNRS Africa Plan, or opportunities offered by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. In total, there are more than 110 projects that will strengthen the collaboration of the Insmi around the world.