Openness and inclusivity: CIRM launches a Southern Countries Chair!



Le Cirm a acquis en plus de 40 ans une attractivité internationale, il est temps aujourd'hui d'ouvrir sa politique scientifique et d’accueil à un public plus large. Au Cirm nous avons ce désir constant d’inclusivité, vers les jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs, vers les lycéennes, vers les pays en développement. La France a la chance d’avoir un instrument comme le Cirm, c’est notre volonté de le faire rayonner et de l’ouvrir à un public le plus large possible et particulièrement aux chercheuses et chercheurs de pays en développement qui ont en général peu de chance de le découvrir.
Pascal Hubert, directeur du Cirm

Pascal Hubert, Director of the International Center for Mathematical Encounters in Luminy, has decided to launch a new program - a Southern Countries Chair - to complement the scientific offer developed at CIRM dedicated to the African mathematical community. Pascal Hubert explains: "We already had a number of programs aimed at southern countries, including CIRM-AIMS residencies and cooperative ventures with Cimpa, such as CIRM-CIMPA Fellowships and CIMPA ICTP Fellowships. For people who don't have much opportunity to travel, coming to Cirm is a rare opportunity. Demand is growing, and the feedback we get after their stays is particularly moving. Creating this chair meant developing existing programs, but on a larger scale, with longer stays - two months - and bringing together an entire community around a research school and workshop".

With more than 5,000 international delegates attending every year, a visit to the CIRM is an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with leading experts across the entire spectrum of mathematics and its interactions. As its director points out, "thanks to its geographical position, the Cirm is a natural gateway between France and Africa, with the Mediterranean as a link. Its residential, all-inclusive and immersive character is the ideal place to weave strong and lasting research collaborations between developing countries, Europe and the world".

The Jean Morlet Chair experience

We created the Jean-Morlet Chair at CIRM over 10 years ago, and we know that it's a program that works well, attracting pairs who put together excellent scientific projects," adds Pascal Hubert. Our experience, our visibility, the location and its environment offer the ideal scientific and logistical perimeter for this kind of program. It was therefore natural for us to respond to the CNRS-Joint Research Programme in Africa call for projects and launch the Chair in 2024. Thanks to the 2023 CNRS funding, CIRM was able to launch a call for tenders following validation of the project at its Scientific Council and Board of Directors meeting in November 2023. The deadlines were very tight," continues Pascal Hubert, " but thanks to the strong links we have forged with the African continent - via our Scientific Advisory Board, Cimpa, etc. - we were able to spread the word. - we spread the word and received several applications". An ad hoc scientific committee made up of mathematicians working with Africa and developing countries selected a dossier - "Geometry and surface dynamics" - submitted by Masseye Gaye (Professor at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal) and Jean-François Quint (CNRS Research Director at Montpellier University). " I'm already familiar with Jean-François' work, which has won him numerous international awards, including the Clay Research Award in 2011 ," notes Pascal Hubert.

We can be sure that the scientific quality of this Chair will be of the highest order! And the international dimension common to all Cirm scientific events is respected, as speakers come from all over the world.
Pascal Hubert, CIRM Director
Masseye Gaye (Professor at Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal) and Jean-François Quint (CNRS Research Director at Montpellier University), chair holders © CIRM© CIRM

What is covered:

  • Travel (up to a maximum of 1,500 euros) and full-board accommodation for the winner for a period of 1 to 2 months at CIRM are covered.
  • The school and workshop each welcome 20 to 25 participants, and all accommodation and meals at CIRM are paid for.
  • Travel expenses for certain African participants will be covered on application, including CV, covering letter and 2 letters of recommendation.
  • 3 participants for research in residence. Accommodation and travel expenses are covered. Details will be posted on the CIMPA fellowships page.

Thanks to the support of :

  • CIRM (AMU, CNRS Mathematics/INSMI-CNRS, SMF)
  • CNRS - Multi-year cooperation plan with Africa
  • AMU
  • Marseille city council
  • AFRImath
  • IMU