Renewal of the CoNRS sections: change for mathematics


Text written by Christophe Besse and Stéphane Sabourau, for the Gazette of the Société Mathématique de France.

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The CoNRS, an independent body contributing to the development of the CNRS's scientific policy

Comprising some sixty structures, the National Committee for Scientific Research (CoNRS) is an independent body that plays an essential role in the scientific life of the CNRS. The National Institute for Mathematical Sciences and their Interactions (Insmi - CNRS Mathematics) interacts regularly with two specific bodies: the Insmi Scientific Council and Section 41, which will become Section 1 from autumn 2025.

The CoNRS Sections: a new definition of keywords

The CNRS has recently reorganized all the CoNRS sections, with effect from fall 2025. In particular, Section 41, devoted to mathematics, becomes Section 1. This development is accompanied by an update of the keywords that structure its field of action. This update is essential to better reflect developments in research areas and current issues in the mathematical sciences. These keywords guide not only the work of the Section but also the direction of recruitment, projects and collaborations between INSMI and other CNRS institutes.

List of keywords for section 1

The Section works independently and in close collaboration with the Insmi. It offers advisory and often decisive opinions on: the recruitment, evaluation and career monitoring of CRs and DRs; CNRS medals; delegations; thematic schools; evaluations of structures and their evolution. During its term of office, the section also draws up a scientific outlook report.

Composition and term of office: 21 members and a four-year term of office

The Section is made up of 21 members, 14 of whom are elected directly by their peers. The regular renewal of the Section's membership ensures a diversity of opinions and skills within it. The current term of office of Section 41 ends in the spring of 2025. The elections scheduled for between June 19 and 26, 2025 will initiate the next term of the Section, which will then become Section 1 of the CoNRS. The term of office is 4 years.

A call for participation from the mathematics community

The electoral process is an essential opportunity for researchers, teacher-researchers and support staff in the field of mathematics to get involved in scientific life and to contribute directly to the definition of the Section's priorities and work. The whole community has a role to play, whether by exercising its right to vote or by standing as a candidate. The management of INSMI and the president of the current section are calling on colleagues to put forward numerous and varied candidates for this important election for the national landscape of mathematics and its development.

All information is available on the website of the national committee:

Good to know

Indicative key dates:


  • February 5, 2025: publication of the provisional electoral list.
  • February 5-February 19, 2025: modification period (in particular for those of you who have been registered in the main section of their unit and who request to change to a secondary section).
  • March 3, 2025: publication of the provisional electoral list (2nd).
  • March 3-March 19, 2025: objection period (for those who forgot to do so during the amendment period).
  • March 28, 2025: publication of the definitive electoral roll
  • March 28-April 16, 2025: submission of candidacies.
  • June 19-June 26, 2025: electronic voting period
  • June 27, 2025: counting of votes.


Colleges of the 14 elected representatives of the section:


  • 3 A1 members: research directors of the CNRS.
  • 3 A2 members: university professors or equivalent staff outside the CNRS.
  • 3 B1 members: research officers at the CNRS.
  • 2 B2 members: lecturers or equivalent staff outside the CNRS.
  • 3 members C: Engineering, technical and administrative staff in scientific research (CNRS or non-CNRS agents).

To this list will be added 7 qualified personalities appointed by the Ministry of Research.