Les International Research Networks
IRNs are international research networks organised around a single theme in several regions of the world, or around several themes in a particular region of the globe. Their aim is to structure a community, in particular through the organisation of workshops, seminars and thematic schools by French and foreign partners. They run for 5 years (renewable) and bring together researchers from one or more French laboratories, including at least one CNRS laboratory, and several partner laboratories abroad.

- IRN AFRIMath (Africa, France): bringing together mathematicians based mainly in sub-Saharan Africa and France, this network is organised around themes such as number theory, information theory, geometry, topology, PDE analysis, numerical analysis, probability and statistics. It has 309 members.
- IRN AHGT (France, Japan): The AHGT network is concerned with homotopic arithmetic and Galois geometry. This field, which stems from Alexander Grothendieck's algebraic and arithmetic geometry, lies at the intersection of several fundamental areas of pure mathematics: number theory, group theory, algebraic topology and category theory. The network links researchers in France (Lille, Strasbourg, Paris, Caen, Bordeaux, Grenoble, etc.) mainly with collaborators at RIMS (Kyoto), while also enabling exchanges with other universities with which exchanges have been established for some thirty years (Max Planck Bonn, University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, Warwick, Oslo University).
- IRN GANDA (South Africa, France, Denmark, Madagascar): this international mathematical collaboration network is made up of members working in France, South Africa, Denmark and Madagascar. It supports research activities focusing mainly on geometry and arithmetic.
- IRN GE2MI (North Africa, Mauritania, France, Spain, Italy): the 'Groupement euro-maghrébin de mathématiques et leurs interactions' network aims to boost cooperation between France and the Maghreb in mathematics with a view to scientific excellence by setting up joint research projects, training doctoral students and helping to disseminate a high-quality scientific culture.
- IRN ECO-Maths (France, Romania, Hungary): the aim of this mathematics network is to organise research projects and workshops with Central and Eastern European countries. The topics covered are numerous and include, for example, topology, algebraic geometry, probabilities and PDEs, harmonic or spectral analysis, dynamical systems or the modelling of continuous media, etc.
- IRN FKmathIRN (France, South Korea): algebraic geometry and non-linear PDEs applied to mathematical physics are two areas of mathematics in which the French and Korean teams have acquired a high level of expertise. Two teams have been set up for this purpose: the PDEA (Partial Differential Equation and Application) team and the AGNT (Algebraic, Complex and Differential Geometry and Number Theory) team, which have members from both countries. The aim of this IRN is to continue the strong collaboration launched during the previous mandate and to open up to other areas of mathematics.
- IRN LI (France, Italy): the main aim of the Logic and Interactions network is to support bilateral collaborations and high-quality scientific production. Launched in 2025, it structures an already existing community sharing a significant common cultural background around logic and interaction, bringing together around forty scientists in mathematics, computer science, philosophy and linguistics.
- IRN MaDeF (Denmark, France): this Denmark-France mathematics network is very open in terms of the topics studied and aims to bring the two communities together through visits and several annual events.
- IRN Representation Theory (France, Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Japan): this network is dedicated to the mobility (research visits, events) of mathematicians working on representation theory in several European countries and Japan.
- IRN ReaDiNet (France, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan): this Reaction-Diffusion Network focuses on mathematics and its applications to biology, ecology, medicine and chemistry.
- IRN RFBM (France, Brazil): the 'Franco-Brazilian Mathematics Network' offers a programme of bilateral exchanges and intensive workshops for young researchers. Over the past 20 years, it has led to numerous collaborations.
- IRN SFIRNAM (France, China): the Sino-French International Research Network in Applied Mathematics with the Chinese Academy of Science, the agreement for which was signed in June 2024, brings together mathematicians from 13 French laboratories and as many Chinese universities in applied mathematics, in particular PDEs, numerical analysis and quantum computation, probability and statistics, and control theory.
- IRN SFIRNPM (France, China): this Sino-French International Research Network in Pure Mathematics with the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) aims to structure, organise and federate collaboration in fundamental mathematics. The IRN also aims to provide a suitable environment and support for structured collaborations at doctoral and post-doctoral levels. Members from 9 French entities and 14 Chinese entities are linked to this network signed with the CAS in June 2024.
The Insmi encourages anyone interested in the above networks to get in touch directly with the promoters (contact details can be found on the individual IRN websites).
New IRNs may be proposed to the Insmi's international team on an ongoing basis. After an initial oral discussion, a project proposal may be sent to the institute. Referees are usually appointed in September of year N-1.
Contact: insmi.international@cnrs.fr