Events calendar
Discover here all events related to the book Matheuses : Les filles, avenir des mathématiques.
18 January 2024 : Press conference (Paris)
Join us on Thursday January 18 at the IHP for the press presentation of Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques, in the presence of the 3 authors.

20 January 2024 : Presenation during Nuits de la lecture (en ligne)
Join us on Saturday January 20 on the Les Maths en Scène website for a presentation of the book Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques by Olga Paris-Romaskevich as part of the Nuits de la lecture 2024. Teams connection link available here.

24 January 2024 : Chaire Femmes et Sciences (Paris)
Join us on Wednesday January 24 atUniversité Paris Dauphine-PSL for a presentation of the book Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques by Clémence Perronnet as part of the Chaire Femmes et Sciences 2024. Information and program available here, registration open here.

15 February 2024 : Science Gender Day (Saint-Étienne)
Join us on Thursday February 15 at the École des Mines de Saint-Étienne(La Rotonde) for a presentation of the book Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques by Clémence Perronnet as part of the Journée Sciences en tous genres. For further information, click here.
16 February 2024 : Presentation at Diderot public library (Lyon)
Meet us on February 16 at Médiathèque Diderot public library (Lyon) for a presentation of the book Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques by Clémence Perronnet. For further information, click here.
22 February 2024 : Presentation for Locaux Motiv' (Lyon)
Join us February 22 at Locaux Motiv' (Lyon) for a presentation of the book Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques by Olga Paris-Romaskevich. Book your seat here.
04 March 2024 : Sédimath conference (on line)
Join us on March 04 for a presentation of the book Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques by Olga Paris-Romaskevich, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. More information here.
08 March 2024 : Science, a woman's job (Lyon)
Join us on March 08 at the ENS (Lyon) for a presentation of the book Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques by Clémence Perronnet as part of the Journée Sciences, un métier de femmes event. The event is co-organized by the Femmes & Sciences association, LabEx ASLAN and the CNRS ICAR and CRAL laboratories. For further information, click here.
Photo de groupe des Marraines 2023 ® ASLAN
19 March 2024 : Research and mediation for inclusion in science conference (Valenciennes)
Join us on March 19 at the Forum régional de la d'Ombelli science (Valenciennes) for a presentation of the book Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques by Clémence Perronnet and Claire Marc, as part of the conference Recherche et médiation au service de l'inclusion en science, organized as part of the 4th regional meeting Sciences, Innovations, Société. Information, program details and registration here.

28 March 2024 : Parity Day at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications (Poitiers)
The Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications (LMA), UMR CNRS of theUniversity of Poitiers, invites you to attend a half-day meeting on gender issues on Thursday March 28, 2024. Registration is free, but is compulsory in order to estimate the number of participants. To register, click here.

Au programme :
13h30, Amphithéâtre IFMI, Bâtiment H6
- Allocutions de Madame Laval, Présidente de l’Université et de Monsieur Delaunay (CNRS/INSMI)
- Conférence de la Sociologue Clémence Perronnet, autrice d’articles de recherche et d’ouvrages grand public
15h30 Pause-café
15h45 Table Ronde/Débat animée par Héloïse Morel (Espace Mendes France de Poitiers)
– Enrica Floris, maîtresse de conférences dans l’équipe GAGALie du LMA
– Nathalie Chevalarias, professeure de mathématiques au LP2I et membre de l’IREM&S de Poitiers
– Carole Guillevin, ingénieure d’étude au CHU de Poitiers, présidente du Comité Scientifique du Labcom I3M : imagerie et IA pour les innovations médicales de demain et membre de l’équipe Dactim-Mis du LMA
17h15 Cocktail cafétéria du LMA- Bâtiment H3
Cette demi-journée est organisée en parallèle de l'Exposition Les Sciences’Elles : exposition de portraits de chercheuses en sciences présentée à la bibliothèque de mathématiques (LMA, bâtiment H3) pendant un mois du jeudi 14 mars au jeudi 11 avril 2024.
02 & 03 April 2024 : Academic and public meetings (Rennes)
Tuesday April 2 15:45: Book presentation at the Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes
(5 min Lebesgue - Irmar - Bât 22-23 - Campus Beaulieu. Public: university students).
Tuesday, April 2, 8pm: Book presentation at the Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture du Grand Cordel
(18 rue des Plantes, Rennes), in partnership with L'Astrolabe bookshop. Sales, questions and book signing.
Wednesday, April 3 10h-11H30: Maths, beyond preconceived ideas
(amphi H Campus Beaulieu. Public: 2nd and 1st grade students. Welcome at 9:45 a.m.)
Abstract: In high school, mathematics is the most important subject, the one that opens all doors, and where only the best succeed. But why is it so important? And for that matter, where do our interest and skills in math come from? Is it in our brains or in our genes? When we take a sociological look at maths, we realize that the "best" in the field very often have the same profile. Conversely, if you're a girl, come from a modest background or are of foreign or immigrant origin, you're much less likely to succeed in maths... How can this be explained? What do gender, social origin or skin color have to do with it? Based on a sociological survey of 45 high school girls, this talk shows that there's nothing innate about success in math. On the contrary, our relationship with this subject is the result of social relationships. Sexism, elitism, racism... selection through maths is not as neutral as it seems.
Wednesday, April 3, 2 - 4 pm: Mathematics, the most elitist of disciplines?
(Amphi H Campus Beaulieu. Public: teachers and future teachers. Welcome at 1:45pm)
Summary: While France shines in terms of its performance at the highest level of international mathematics, it also stands out for a drop in the average level of students and for the intensity of social inequalities in this discipline. According to certain indicators, France is in fact the OECD country where being a girl or a student from a working-class background has the most negative impact on career paths and performance in math.
Drawing on social science research and a sociological survey using observation and interviews during maths courses for high school girls, this talk explores this paradox by analyzing how elitism - based on a persistent belief in a form of mathematical "genius" - produces and reinforces exclusion.
Clémence Perronnet will be present at all these events. More information here and here.
04 April 2024 : IHES conference (Paris)
On the occasion of the " Just Do Maths! " exhibition coming to IHES in spring 2024, the Institute welcomes Catherine Goldstein, mathematician and historian of mathematics, and Clémence Perronnet, sociologist, on April 4, 2024 for a two-voice conference on the role that female role models can play in advancing equality in science. The event, which will be held in English, is open to all upon registration here.
Full event details here.
13 April 2024 : Women and Science" conference at the Festival Sciences pour tous (Paris)
Join us on April 13 at the Musée des Arts et Métiers (Paris) for a conference entitled Femmes et sciences, organized as part of the Sciences pour tous festival. Clémence Perronnet will be there to present Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques.
This free event of the Festival Sciences pour Tous requires online reservation of an entrance ticket to the Musée des Arts et Métiers. For further information, click here.
19 April 2024 : Parity Day at the Laboratoire de Maths de Bretagne Atlantique (Vannes)
Join us on April 19 at the Laboratoire de Maths de Bretagne Atlantique (Vannes) for a presentation of the book Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques by Clémence Perronnet and Catherine Goldstein as part of the laboratory's Parité Day. For further information, click here.
18 May 2024 : Presentation at the Ciné-club Bobines de Sciences (Lyon)
Join us on May 18 at Comodéa (Lyon) for a presentation of the book Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques by Olga Paris-Romaskevich as part of the Ciné-club Bobines de Sciences. On the program: screening of the film Le Théorème de Marguerite, book sale in partnership with a local bookshop and signing of the book Matheuses on site. For further information, click here.

18 June 2024 : Conference and book signing at the Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris)
Nocturne Chez Henri : A two-part evening with a multi-disciplinary approach to place mathematics in the context of a topical social issue. The name " Chez Henri " pays tribute to the spirit that Henri Poincaré brought to his work as a mathematician, theoretical physicist and philosopher of science. To prolong the exchanges in a convivial atmosphere, the public has access to an ephemeral bar and a free tour of the Maison Poincaré's permanent exhibition. This nocturne features a discussion on the sociological survey of high-school girls who love maths, between the authors of Matheuses (CNRS Éditions, 2024), winners of the CNRS Mathématiques Diffusion Prize.
Hosted by Natacha Triou, journalist and producer of the France Culture podcast " La Science, CQFD ". In the presence of the three authors, with signing session.
More information on the evening event "Le choix des filles de faire des maths, un problème ouvert?" here.
01 & 02 July 2024 : Mathematics community parity day (Marseille)
Join us on July 1 and 2 at theInstitut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) for a presentation of the book Matheuses: Les filles, avenir des mathématiques by Olga Paris-Romaskevich. A book sale will be organized by the Pantagruel bookshop. For program details and further information, click here.

14 septembre 2024 : Festival Livre sur la place (Nancy)
Rendez-vous le 14 septembre 2024 au Muséum Aquarium de Nancy, dans le cadre du festival Le livre sur la place pour un débat d'idées École inclusive = équation - Causerie scientifique & présentation de l'ouvrage Matheuses : Les filles, avenir des mathématiques par Olga Paris-Romaskevich.
Retrouvez les détails du programme et toutes les informations ici.
10 octobre 2024 : Festival Maths en ville (Saint-Denis)
Rendez-vous le 10 octobre 2024 au festival Maths en ville pour présentation de l'ouvrage Matheuses : Les filles, avenir des mathématiques par Olga Paris-Romaskevich.
Retrouvez les détails du programme et toutes les informations ici.
11 et 12 février 2025 : Atelier-débat (Évry)
A l'occasion de la présence de Just Do Maths ! au Laboratoire de Mathématique et Modélisation d'Evry (LaMME), des élèves des Lycées Rosa Parks (Montgeron) et Edmond Michelet (Arpajon) viennent les mardi 11 et mercredi 12 février après-midi pour un atelier-débat "Maths : au-delà des idées reçues" animé par Clémence Perronnet, sociologue du genre.

Info pratiques sur l'atelier-débat et programme détaillé des deux après-midis :
13 mars 2025 : Université Ouverte (Cergy)
Rendez-vous le 13 mars 2025 dans le cadre de l'Université Ouverte de l'université de Cergy pour la conférence Échec et maths, où est le problème ?
Présentation de l'ouvrage Matheuses : Les filles, avenir des mathématiques par Clémence Perronnet.
Retrouvez les détails du programme et toutes les informations ici.