Research laboratories
The CNRS structures mathematical research in France in close partnership with the universities. It thus creates a fine network of the territory.
Research structures: UMR, UAR and FR
The Insmi's activities are based on a national network that structures almost all academic research in mathematics in France. This network is made up of 44 joint research units (UMR). These units are supervised on a 'mixed' basis, in partnership between the CNRS and various higher education establishments.
The network also includes support and research units (UAR), whose mission is to provide support activities for the research units (services, logistical support, support for certain activities).

Consult the full list of Insmi's UMR
There are also 13 research federations (FR), which are regional associations of mathematics laboratories, UMRs or host teams. These federations are the natural point of contact for the regions, chambers of commerce and industry and education authorities when it comes to mathematics.

See the full list of Insmi's FR
The Calcul Group
This GDR brings together members of the French computing community, engineers and mathematicians. It runs communication and exchange groups during scientific and technical events, hosts the CNRS network of computing engineers and participates in the pooling of computing resources throughout France.