Spreading mathematics
Spreading mathematical culture is a major activity for mathematicians.
An essential mission
Disseminating scientific culture to the general public - whether schoolchildren, students or simply citizens keen to learn more or science enthusiasts - is one of the missions of researchers and teacher-researchers. To help them in this task, the Insmi supports the AuDiMath thematic network , which brings together communication professionals working in mathematics laboratories as well as people involved in the dissemination of mathematics.
AuDiMath networks these people, enabling them to exchange experience and skills, share documentary and video resources and lead national projects such as the Images des maths website and the VideoDiMath project.
Through the Blaise Pascal Foundation, the Insmi supports dissemination activities throughout France.
Focus on the Images of Mathematics website
Images of Mathematics (IdM) is a participatory website for the general public run by a community of mathematicians. Its vocation? To dispel preconceived ideas about contemporary mathematical research and the profession of mathematicians. No scientific publications are published on this site: the articles are educational and adapted to the level of each person, from the neophyte to high school and university graduates. The IdM's posts are open to comments from Internet users. They deal with the historical, cultural or sociological aspects of mathematical research today.