Following the programme The Scientific Method on France Culture devoted to “The Unreasonable Efficacity of Mathematics” (12/30/2021), with Jean-Michel Salanskis, professor of philosophy at…
The partition function is a classical function that has been introduced in the mid 1800s. This function can be seen as a potential on the Heisenberg group. This new point of view is very…
In a recent work, Quentin Mérigot, Jocelyn Meyron and Boris Thibert developed an algorithm which enables to conceive and to build a whole series of optical components, lenses or mirrors,…
The Wolf Prize in Mathematics, the third most prestigious distinction in mathematics after the Abel Prize and the Fields Medal, was awarded in 2019 jointly to Jean-François Le Gall,…
Julien Jouganous was awarded the 2016 'Le Monde' Research Prize for his PhD entitled Lung metastases growth modeling and simulation, which he did under the supervision of Olivier Saut…